A Consulting firm in Business Organization and Management

Advice on your business management,  to improve your short-term competitiveness and increase your day-to-day operations

  • Improvement of your production and support processes

Advice on your Project Management, to improve your competitiveness in the middle-term, and improve performance for your future development

  • More successfull projects (security and acceleration)
  • Improvement of your Project Portfolio Management


QRM training & silver level certification session

QRM Silver – Paris 2019

It will make sense… you will understand why time is the efficient lever to address companywide challenges in a ‘high mix-low volume’ product/service market.

You will know how to adapt the organizational structure in order to drastically reduce delays and develop intensified internal collaboration.

Last but not least, you will learn what certain traditional cost-cutting strategies are in fact counter-productive to fast, cost-efficient & high quality deliveries, and why. The session are practical, with full of simulations and cases.

Who are we?

DG Pro Management was created by Daniel Ginet in 2005,
who is still the current Director. His resume :

  • Project Management Consultant, with more than 25 years of operational experience
  • Director of industrial programs
  • Trainer in Project Management and expert in Risk Management 
  • Engineer Arts et Métiers + Master’s Degree in Business and Administration (MBA)

DG Pro Management is a response to the growing demand from the companies that develop with the “Project Mode”

  • A strategy declined in Project Portfolio
  • Prioritized projects according to their contribution to the strategy
  • A dedicated management based on the best practices of Project Management

Our Mission: We help you improve your operations

Our contribution is well-known and recognized thanks to our various support offers, justified by our solid, on-the-ground experience

Our ambition
To combine the quest for profit and self-fulfillment

    • To quest for profit in order to gain market shares and be more competitive  
    • To contribute to the motivation of the employees, for their well-being and for getting more results

Our values

Confidence and Self-surpassing
… because we believe in human relationship and their benefits

Expertise and Humbelness
… because the alliance between knowledge, skills and behavior is the key to sucsess

Organization and Anticipation
… because success also depends on collaborative intelligence and on time management

Our development abroad

DG Pro Management is currently expending in Switzerland and Central Africa

This strategic choice comes from the wish to develop a business in the following way :

  • To promote a various offer that helps controlling delays for big projects (Critical Chain offer)
         Targets : Key Accounts
  • To promote innovating offers of Project Portfolio Management and Process Improvement (Quick Response Manufacturing offer)
         Targets :  industrial SMEs

DG Pro Management is a member of :

  • France-Switzerland Chamber for Trade and Industry (CCIFS)
  • France-Cameroun Chamber for Business (CAFCAM)



Our expertise: more value-creating with your Processes and your Projects

Our expertise focuses on two scopes of action:

A. Your processes
  •  In all business sectors, you always have to improve your day-to-day operations, to get the best added-value
  •  Regularly improved skills and daily efficiency in your activity are the key of immediate success
  •  Our offers : Improve your mode of operation for better performance
B. Your Projects
  • In all business sectors, you have to present your strategic goals in operational plans, while improving your development in a constantly moving environment, with only available resources
  • A prioritized and balanced portfolio led by Project Management will maintain a sustainable success
  • Our offers : Improve your Projects for a better development

Our Offers

A. Improve your Processes for better performance

You are lookng for better performance by rethinking your practises and daily operations

We bring you our expertise on an adapted reorganization and  your processes optimization :

A resolution of the dysfunctions

Mentioned by the actors themselves (immediate value-creation) and treated with collaborative dynamics.

Typical steps:

-Dysfunctions diagnostic and evaluation
-Map-making of the daily activities : illustration of existing processes
-Consolidation and sharing of the best practices
-Collaborative elaboration of solutions
-Recommandations on the different tasks, roles and responsibilities
-Collaborative implementation of the solution
-New added value

A co-construction of a target operation

That will get accepted by all the actors and motivate them, with a transformation plan (from the existing to the goal).

Typical steps :

-Brief formalization of the existing
-Collaborative definition of a target
-Mapmaking of the transformation plan
-Implementation of the plan as a mobilizating project

B. Improve your Projects for better growth

You are looking for better performance by valuing Project Management for your development
We give you efficient advice for the launching and the management of your projects, and for your transformation in your Project Portfolio Management

An approach about projects securing and acceleration(Time To Market)

In all business sectors, you will always have to secure your investments, particularly in order to achieve your Projects objectives

Most of the time, you have to be quick, even quicker than your competitors
The Critical Chain approach will help you combine security and speed

DG Pro Management helps you manage your business, particularly by focusing on Mastering your project delays

Our approach “Plus and Play”, approved and packaged, is based on 3 main steps, and brings to your projects and organization the following benefits :

  • From 20% to 30% created buffer
  • More credibility and legitimacy to the Project Manager
  • A better team cohesion
  • No need to re-schedule the whole project every time you drift
  • A significant cut in project costs

Typical steps :

-Introduce and train the managers and operators
on the Critical Chain method

Formalize the current situation of the planning
Bring buffers that are used to control unforeseen turn of events (hazard)
Work on critical chains that set up different target planning
Get the managers involved in their time commitments

C. Improve your management skills, with our Training Programs

You want to improve your managers’ competencies, and train them on topics such as Project Management, particularly for Risk and Time Management

We can show you our catalogue with our different offers of training programs: Project Management, Critical Chain, Quick Response Management, Intercultural Management, etc.

Our references

Industries: Manufacturing and Facilities
Services : Public et Tertiary sector

Our partners

Partners :

DG Pro Management is proud to present to you its best and sensible partners, and the consulting firms with which it works confidently.

  • DG Pro Management supports the project “L’équipée dans le vent”, which is about the impact of intuition in decision-making. This experiment undertakes a study about Risk Management in an environment of crisis

DG Pro Management is a sponsor of the biggest charity rally in Europe, which promotes education for the poorest Maroccan children.

DG Pro Management is a member of the Lyon Business School’s foundation (EM Lyon), participating to the first international “Think Tank” : The World Entrepreneurship Forum ” in Evian in 2008. This forum is about the role of entrepreneurs in our society.  


DG Pro Management helps the association ASAP (Association for Small African Children) to invest in a sustainable development in Burkina Faso. Since 1997, ASAP succeeded in many projects such as education, health, development of villages, economy and environment.

  • DG Pro Management is a member of the new professional network of entrepreneurs : Morning Business Club based in Lyon
  • DG Pro Management has been on  Linked’in since its creation 


Contact us

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